Industrial Clean Water

With 19 years of experience, we can tailor a water filtration system exactly to your specifications for industrial clean water.



Reverse Osmosis is water purification technology that uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove ions, chemicals, and larger particles by pushing water molecules through the membrane. Typically, this process uses a lot of energy and is not viable for small systems.

Arkwater® uses a variety of low pressure membranes to filter water to absolute purity to 0.0001 microns. It should be noted that Reverse Osmosis is highly inefficient, and up to 80% of water may end up as ‘waste’.

So no, it’s not for washing your car.



After years of navigating the industry, we have learned to adapt to the different needs of various situations. Among other nasty substances, Arkwater® offers solutions for:

Flouride, Nitrate and Chlorine Reduction
Arsenic and other Heavy Metal Reduction
Nanoparticulate Control

Please do contact us with specific inquiries.



Ultraviolet sterilisation works by inactivating the RNA of viruses and bacteria present in water by briefly exposing it to UV light in the 200-310nm spectrum. It’s almost like science fiction, except it’s just science.

Arkwater® uses ultraviolet treatment units as an alternative way to treat water for specific applications. Ultraviolet treatment by itself does not render water completely safe for drinking purposes, and needs to be supported by other filters for maximum effectiveness.



From 1000 to 0.0001 microns, Arkwater® offers you the ability to customise a unique system that meets your exact needs for water filtration, while maximising cost and efficiency. Macrofiltration, Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration and RO – we’ve got it all. We just ask that you don’t ask us to draw water from sand.

But we do enjoy a challenge.



Ozone is a strong disinfectant with the ability to kill viruses and biological contaminants found in water. It can also oxidize some toxic metals in water to form insoluble oxides, aiding in their filtration and removal from water.

When utilized for water sterilization purposes, it immediately degrades back to oxygen leaving no trace unlike chlorination which may persist and require the need for additional filter media. How convenient is that?

Arkwater® uses USA-made ozone generators to perform point-of-use sterilisation for small scale applications.


Fully Adaptable Water Solutions

The water industry is never stagnant. We offer a wide range of cutting-edge water technologies for you to adopt.

We bring 19 years of experience in the industry to the market. Let us help you find a unique solution for your specific water needs today.

industrial clean water

Coldstream® Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

Cartridge Housings for Industrial Clean Water

S10-B-Max Package: Coldstream® Ceramic Cartridge Housing (Blue) with Mounting Bracket (UK)

Package includes: S10-CS-Max :  Coldstream® Ceramic Cartridge Filter Element  (UK)  $180.00

S10-HSE-C:  Standard 10” Cartridge Housing, Clear (China)  $28.00

S10-HSE-W:  Standard 10” Cartridge Housing, White (China)  $22.00

J10-HSE-C:  Jumbo 10” Housing, Clear (China)  $120.00

J10-HSE-B:  Jumbo 10” Housing, Blue (China)  $90.00

J20-HSE-C:  Jumbo 20” Housing, Clear (China)  $180.00

J20-HSE-B:  Jumbo 20” Housing, Blue (China)  $130.00

S10-BKT-1L:  Steel Brackets – White, Single, S10 (Taiwan)  $15.00

J10-BKT-1L:  Steel Brackets – White, Single, J10 (Taiwan)  $24.00

J20-BKT-1L:  Steel Brackets – White, Single, J20 (Taiwan)  $24.00

S10-BKT-2L:  Steel Brackets – White, Double, S10

(Taiwan)   $30.00

J10-BKT-2L:  Steel Brackets – White, Double, J10 (Taiwan)  $40.00

J20-BKT-2L:  Steel Brackets – White, Double, J20 (Taiwan) 


S10-HSE-Fittings:  Mounting Screws & Adaptors, S10 (China)  $12.00

J10-HSE-Fittings:  Mounting Screws & Adaptors, J10 (China)  $25.00

J20-HSE-Fittings:  Mounting Screws & Adaptors, J20 (China)  $25.00

S10-wrench:  Housing Wrench, Plastic, S10 (China)  $17.00

J10-wrench:  Housing Wrench, Plastic, J10 (China)  $19.00

J20-wrench:  Housing Wrench, Plastic, J20 (China)  $19.00

Refillable Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-HSE-RF:  Refillable Cartridge (Blank), S10 (Taiwan)  $18.00

J10-HSE-RF:  Refillable Cartridge (Blank), J10 (Taiwan)  $38.00

J20-HSE-RF:  Refillable Cartridge (Blank), J20 (Taiwan)  $58.00

Specialty Filter Media, Mineral Refills for Industrial Clean Water

S10-Premium Greensand:  AWM Premium GreenSand, S10 (Africa)  $28.00

J10-Premium Greensand:  AWM Premium GreenSand, J10 (Africa)  $55.00

J20-Premium Greensand:  AWM Premium GreenSand, J20 (Africa)  $110.00

S10-Min-GAC:  AWM GAC (0.6-1.6mm), S10 (Africa) $13.00 

S10-Min-GAC:  AWM GAC (0.6-1.6mm), S10 (Africa)  $13.00

J10-Min-GAC:  AWM GAC (0.6-1.6mm), J10 (Africa)  $25.00

J20-Min-GAC:  AWM GAC (0.6-1.6mm), J20 (Africa)  $50.00

S10-Min-A2:  AWM A2 Fluoride Reduction Media, S10 (Africa)10  $15.00

J10-Min-A2:  AWM A2 Fluoride Reduction Media, J10 (Africa)  $30.00

J20-Min-A2:  AWM A2 Fluoride Reduction Media, J20 (Africa)  $60.00

S10-Min-Ax:  AWM Ax Arsenic Reduction Media, S10 (Africa)  $20.00

J10-Min-Ax:  AWM Ax Arsenic Reduction Media, J10 (Africa)  $40.00

J20-Min-Ax:  AWM Ax Arsenic Reduction Media, J20 (Africa)  $80.00

S10-Min-Floc:  AWM Flocculant, 1kg (Singapore)  $10.00

Specialty Filter Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-Ion:  Ion Exchange Resin, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $25.00

J10-Ion:  Ion Exchange Resin, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $44.00

J20-Ion:  Ion Exchange Resin, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $80.00

S10-CTO:  Carbon Block, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $15.00

J10-CTO:  Carbon Block, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $32.00

J20-CTO:  Carbon Block, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $52.00

S10-GAC:  GAC, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (Taiwan)  $15.00

J10-GAC:  GAC, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (Taiwan)  $32.00

J20-GAC:  GAC, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (Taiwan)  $52.00

5-micron Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-PL-5:  5-micron Pleated Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $15.00

J10-PL-5:  5-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $30.00

J20-PL-5:  5-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $55.00

S10-TY-5:  5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $8.00

J10-TY-5:  5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $31.00

J20-TY-5:  5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $42.00

S10-PP-5:  5-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $4.00

J10-PP-5:  5-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $25.00

J20-PP-5:  5-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $38.00

1-micron Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-TY-1:  1-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $12.00

S10-PP-1:  1-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $10.00

J10-PP-1:  1-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $30.00

J20-PP-1:  1-micron Meltblown PP Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $55.00

0.5 micron Filter Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-PL-0.5:  0.5-micron Pleated Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $25.00

J10-PL-0.5:  0.5-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $50.00

J20-PL-0.5:  0.5-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $90.00

S10-TY-0.5:  0.5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $20.00

J10-TY-0.5:  0.5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $40.00

J20-TY-0.5:  0.5-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $85.00

0.35 micron Filter Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-PL-0.35:  0.35-micron Pleated Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $30.00

J10-PL-0.35:  0.35-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $65.00

J20-PL-0.35:  0.35-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $95.00

J20-TY-0.35:  0.35-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $90.00

0.2 micron Filter Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-PL-0.2:  0.2-micron Pleated Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $32.00

J20-PL-0.2:  0.2-micron Pleated Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $100.00

J20-TY-0.2:  0.2-micron Twisted Yarn Filter, Jumbo 20″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $90.00

0.1 micron Filter Cartridges for Industrial Clean Water

S10-PL-0.1:  0.1-micron Pleated Filter, Standard 10″ Cartridge Filter (China)  $35.00

Pumps / Manual Semi Rotary Handpumps for Industrial Clean Water

AWP-K-00:  Semi Rotary Hand Pump 6 lpm (China)  $95.00

AWP-K-0:  Semi Rotary Hand Pump 10 lpm (China)  $115.00

AWP-K-1:  Semi Rotary Hand Pump 15 lpm (China)  $140.00

AWP-K-2:  Semi Rotary Hand Pump 20 lpm (China)  $175.00


Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

Ozone Units

Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

AWO-Water:  Arkwater’s Ozone Water Purification Unit  POA

AWO-Air:  Arkwater’s Ozone Air Purification Unit  POA

Pumps / Drinking Water Pumps

Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

AWP-12-50:  DC 12V, 50GPD, 60 +/-5psi (China)  POA

AWP-12-75:  DC 12V, 75GPD, 70 +/-5psi (China)  POA

AWP-24-100:  DC 24V, 100GPD, 80 +/-5psi (China)  POA

AWP-24-150:  DC 24V, 150GPD, 90 +/-5psi (China)  POA

AWP-24-200:  DC 24V, 200GPD, 100 +/-5ps (China)i  POA

AWP-24-400:  DC 24V, 400GPD, 100 +/-5psi (China)  POA

AWP-power:  Pump Power Adaptor (China)  POA

Reverse Osmosis Parts

Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

RO-HSE-W-70:  RO Housing 70 (White)  POA

RO-HSE-W-80:  RO Housing 80 (White)  POA

RO-HSE-W-100:  RO Housing 100 (White)  POA

RO-HSE-W-300:  RO Housing 300 (White)  POA

RO-70:  RO Membrane, 70 GPD  POA

RO-80:  RO Membrane, 80 GPD  POA

RO-100:  RO Membrane, 100 GPD  POA

RO-300 RO Membrane, 300 GPD POA

RO-BKT:  RO Housing Brackets, Set of 2 mounting clips  POA

RO-adaptors:  RO Housing Adaptors,  2 pcs POA

RO-tubing:  RO Tubing, 2m  POA

RO tap/tubing:  RO Reject Tap with Tubing  POA


Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

AWS-Panel Solar:  Solar Panel POA

AWS-Controller:  Solar Charge Controller  POA

AWS-Lamp:  DC Compact Fluorescent Lamp (China)  POA

Ultra Violet Drinking Water Disinfection Unit

Products under “POA (Price on Application)” may be added to order for price enquiry. When first added to order, price is by default set to “0”.

We will contact you within 2 weeks to notify you on price, and update your order pricing before you make payment.

AWUV-HSE-10W:  Capacity 230 LPH, 1 GPM.
Dimensions 290mmx51mm. 10W / 230 VAC (China ) POA

AWUV-HSE-14W:  Capacity 500 LPH, 2 GPM.
Dimensions 350mmx51mm. 14W / 230 VAC (China)  POA

AWUV-HSE-23W:  Capacity 1400 LPH, 6 GPM.
Dimensions 500mmx63mm. 23W / 230 VAC (China)  POA

AWUV-bulb-10:  Replacement UV Bulb, 10W  POA

AWUV-bulb-14:  Replacement UV Bulb, 14W  POA

AWUV-bulb-23:  Replacement UV Bulb, 23W  POA

AWUV-power-10:  Replacement Power Adaptor, 10W (China)  POA

AWUV-power-14:  Replacement Power Adaptor, 14W (China)  POA

AWUV-power-23:  Replacement Power Adaptor, 23W (China)  POA

AWUV-sleeve:  Replacement Glass Sleeve (China)  POA